Archive for September, 2011

Squish Rabbit Launch (in Photos)

On Saturday 3rd September a bunch of old friends, new friends, family, families and a horde of little rabbits (plus one spiderman) all gathered together at Black Cat Books to help me launch my first picture book, Squish Rabbit. Everyone warned me that the day would speed by and be over before I knew it, so I made sure I enjoyed every second. The classy Pascalle ‘Bunny’ Burton MC’ed the day, while Michael ‘Bouncing’ Bauer (amazing writer and good friend) did the honours of launching the book. We had live music from the talented songstress Skye ‘Rabbit’ Staniford, while Richard ‘Hoppy’ Grantham entertained with his playful keyboard tunes. There was even an appearance from a real bunny (quite a feat in Queensland where rabbits are illegal), and also a visit from a not so real one…

Some of my favourite moments from the day:

  • Signing my first book
  • NOT misspelling a single child’s name
  • Michael revealing the little known beginnings of Squish Rabbit as ‘Squish Cockroach’
  • Promising myself that during my thank-yous I wouldn’t cry and would only make others do so (failing at one but succeeding at the other)
  • The kidlets hopping around eating the ‘for-decoration-purposes-only’ carrots (instead of the cupcakes)
  • People pointing out that I had worn a carrot coloured dress (unintentional win!)
  • Pascalle’s unexpected magic trick (multiplying rabbits! – exactly why they’re illegal in QLD…)
  • Richard’s lollypop formal shirt (designed by him but made by his grandmother)
  • Skye’s impromptu version of ‘Old McDonald had an Alien’
  • The magician performing mind blowing rabbit magic while seeming to have some kind of meltdown mid-act
  • Spiderman running around amongst all the little kids dressed as rabbits (there’s always one)


Then again, rather than telling you about it all, why not let the images speak for themselves?

Morning launch? So what - let there be wine! Plus red balloons from the book

Lots of orange and green type food (Squish would be proud)

We were up until midnight making hundreds of little carrots for the cupcakes

David and I enjoying the fruits (or veg?) of our labour

Skye and Richard delighting the kids and adults alike

Rabbit! (I didn't Squish this one)

Magical bunnies

Some of my favourite little rabbits

Michael clutching his book (I did promise not to steal it...)

Kathleen, Jules and Peter (some favourite writing/illustrating peeps)

Some notorious bunnies from the day (including one tiny pink one plucking the decorative carrots for her lunch)

Who knew spiderman also enjoyed carrots?

Signing a book for a little pink bunny

Some of the precious rabbity gifts I got on the day

Bookstore Paparazzi

[Please read with your best David Attenborough voice…] Armed with camera, carrots and a sense of adventure, on Monday we headed out into the wilds of Brisbane suburbia in search of our first glimpse of Squish Rabbit. The book was said to have been released into the bookstore savanna just that morning, however there had been rumoured sightings for several days prior.

A notoriously shy creature, Squish Rabbit is best approached with reading glasses and a gentle hand. If having trouble tracking him down, try asking your local bookstore or librarian, as they are well trained in the art of literary rabbit spotting. As a last resort, attempt the tried and true trail of carrots. On this day we were in luck, as we managed to track the wily rabbit to our local bookstore: Black Cat Books. And for a typically nervous creature, Squish seemed to quite enjoy the paparazzi attention…

I also had a box of books arrive from both publishers on the same day, and now have a veritable fountain of rabbits in my home. If they keep multiplying (as rabbits tend to do) I may have to start putting them to good use around the house. One on the bookshelf of course. Several as matching drink coasters. One to entertain the dog. Hang one on the wall as a postmodern art work. One beneath the outdoor table leg to stop it rocking. Two as ironic book ends. Any other ideas..?

Front window display in Black Cat Books

The countdown is now on for the launch. Only two days to go…

About this Blog…

A blog of ramblings about the world of writing and illustrating for children, by an author / illustrator who might just have a thing for rabbits.

Katherine's picture books, 'Squish Rabbit' and 'Brave Squish Rabbit', are out with Viking (Penguin, US) and UQP (Australia). Please e-mail if you would like her to blog about something in particular.

All text & images  Katherine Battersby

Released Sept 2012:


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